TamilNadu ahead of others in online doctor consultation



In this modern world, mobile users are increasing rapidly in India. And during this pandemic, people are changing toward online consultation. It has been increased by more than 200% in Tamil Nadu when compared to the past. The highest number of online doctor consultations has been made in Chennai. And the next largest number of people register as online consultation in Madurai.


Highest number of user in Tamil Nadu


A report from the National Health Mission, Tamil Nadu has the most number of people who have consulted online and talked to the doctor. More than 5,000 people have benefited from the telemedicine service. It is the highest number when compared to other states in India. Kerala and Andhra Pradesh, people have utilized these online medical 4507 and 3256 respectively. 


The National Health Mission's senior head said that 400-550 patients in Tamil Nadu are using doctor consultation apps daily. By increasing the number of people using the telemedicine app. It helps to stop a huge crowd at the hospital in this pandemic. Also, prevent the risk of people directly contacting another person. It helps to stop the spread of the virus by providing e-prescription to the people and get the right medicine.


Video consultations


Through video consultation, people are available by avoiding to meet the physical doctor. It helps them to keep away from getting infected. In recent times, the topmost consulting services are dermatology, the online users have emerged as more than 50 percent.


The patients can make video calls to the prime doctor when they have leisure time after work. And can ask any questions regarding their skin condition. And there won't be any time limit for the calls. It helps them to understand your health problem and provide the best suggestion and prescriptions. 


In Madurai, the devadoss multispeciality hospital has created a doctor consultation mobile application called Second OpinionIn that, you can get the Prime doctor's consultation. There are more than 50+ specialists available at 24/7 consultation.