Different types of ortho patients and their needs

Ortho Patients are people who have been diagnosed with certain conditions that affect their bones and joints. Orthopedics is the branch of medicine that deals with these conditions. There are many different types of orthopedics patients and they each require different treatments.


The first type of patient is the osteoporosis patient. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bone density decreases over time. As the bone density decreases, the risk of fractures increases. Fractures occur when the bone breaks down and becomes weak. When the bone breaks down, it may not heal properly and cause pain. In some cases, the fracture may even become infected.


Osteoporosis patients often experience back pain due to the weakening of the spine. The spine is the column of bones that connects the head to the pelvis. If the spine is weakened, then the body's weight is placed on the hips and legs instead of the spine. This causes the pelvis to weaken and the lower back to break down.


Another type of orthopedics patient is the arthritis patient. Arthritis is a condition where the cartilage in the joints wears away and the bones begin to rub together causing inflammation. Joints are the points at which two bones meet. Cartilage covers the ends of the bones and helps them move smoothly. Without the cartilage, the bones rub together and cause pain.


Arthritis patients may suffer from joint stiffness and swelling. Swelling occurs when fluid builds up around the joints. Stiffness occurs when the muscles surrounding the joint contract and pull the bones closer together. Both symptoms can make movement painful.


A third type of orthopedics patients is the post-surgery patient. Post-surgery patients are those who have had surgery to correct a problem. After surgery, the patient may need physical therapy to help regain muscle strength and flexibility. Physical therapists work with patients after surgery to ensure that they get stronger and regain mobility.


A fourth type of orthopedics is the sports injury patient. Sports injuries happen when someone overexerts themselves while playing a sport. Common examples of sports injuries include sprains, strains, and broken bones. Sprains occur when ligaments tear and allow the bones to move out of place. Strains occur when muscles tear and allow the bones in the area to move out of place and put pressure on the nerves. Broken bones occur when the bones crack and allow the pieces to separate.


Sports injuries can lead to chronic pain if the injury isn't treated correctly. Chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than six months. Pain management doctors treat sports injuries by using medications to reduce the pain and prevent further damage. Physical therapists use exercises to strengthen the injured muscles and improve range of motion. Doctors may recommend splints or braces to keep the bones stable until they heal.


A fifth type of orthopedics are the cancer patients. Cancer patients may suffer from pain caused by tumors pressing on nerves or blood vessels. Other cancers may spread to the bones and cause bone loss. 


Consult with the experts at an earlier stage through Orthopedic online consultation called Ask Second Opinion. In this you can make video call from the list of ortho specialist. Get the best advice for the right treatment for a permanent cure at the best ortho care in India.