Is the trusted online ask doctor services available?

First of all, ask ourselves who is giving online ask-a-doctor services? Is it the company, organization, MNC, or any? If you came across these categories, then it is not recommended to go for them. Because they only started the online ask doctor services for profit only. They can sell your data in terms of the business policy as we are adapted digitally.

On the other hand, some hospitals came forward and solved these trust issues. Hospitals don't sell data or give you privacy online. Thanks to them. One of the hospitals that came forward is Devadoss Hospital. They created their own app(second opinion) for giving patients the chance to ask for a second medical opinion from famous doctors around India. Nice initiative by the team. I appreciate it heartfully.


Currently, life is running fast and instead of waiting for a whole day in the queue to meet the doctor. And have to wait for weeks to get the appointment for the specialist doctor. They could not be followed by the doctor who got treatment in the past.

To solve these problems,  Second Opinion Mobile app can help. It helps you by providing the prime doctors to talk with you at any time. You can ask any questions to the doctors. They have expert doctors in many fields like heart problems, surgeries, diagnosis, and other health issues. They are well-experienced doctors who can give the best suggestion and prescription to you.

The app is available on both iOS & Android